The Benischek family celebrated 3 birthdays on April 6th. Otto J is 90 years old. Paul and Pauline, 80 years old, are twins and and brother and sister of Otto J. All of them very active and busy people. Relatives they had not seen for quite some time came from far away - Kansas, Minnesota, Washington, and Alabama. There was a lot to celebrate!!!!
Their military retirees were honored, and several are currently in the military. A strong patriotic family.
A wonderful meal was served by the Matre'D's of Oxford Junction. Bohemian colaches were a real treat, and of course, birthday cake for dessert.
There was dancing to 50's and 60's music for the afternoon entertainment. And lots of conversation about old times, and catching up on what's new with all the families. Many
friends from near and far came to visit, also. It was an awesome day!!!
It was a joy for us to be invited to participate in their celebration. We took photos of many family groups - generation pictures, grandparents with children and great grandchildren. This was the golden opportunity to get photos like these. Thank you for including us in your day.